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ZPHC Primobolan E100

Primobolan Cycle / Primobolan Dosage | Methenolone Enanthate Administration (For Men)

The prescribing guidelines for Methenolone Enanthate is recommending a maximum dosage of 200 mg at the beginning of the therapy and then a continuing dosage of 100 mg per week, every week. However, the prolonged administration programs are generally calling for a 100 mg dosage every 1 to 2 weeks, or 200 mg every 2 to 3 weeks.

However, when it is being used for physique or performance enhancing reasons, the usual administration protocol for male athletes and bodybuilders is anywhere between a 200 mg to 200 mg per week dose and the plan is scheduled for a total of anywhere between 6 to 12 weeks as this time is enough to offer very noticeable increases in the lean muscle tissue.


However, it is not an uncommon fact to hear that this steroid is being used in doses as high as 600 mg per week or even more than that for these reasons, even though is proven that such high doses are very likely to offer some more androgenic side effects of Methenolone Enanthate, especially in sensitive individuals.


Such high doses generally increase the chance of getting side effects and also making them worse as you might also notice some more negative effects on the serum more than androgenic side effects of Methenolone Enanthate, plus there would appear negative effects on serum lipids. It is very possible that an individual won’t get any side effects even at such high doses, it depends on sensitivity, but once again – it just increases the risk. While higher doses can offer more and better benefits, it can also offer more and worse side effects.


In addition to that, Methenolone Enanthate is very often being used alongside with some other (usually stronger) steroid in order to get a faster and an even more enhanced effect. By taking moderate doses of the steroids, the user can get more benefits while diminishing the risks of side effects (compared to when they are using a single steroid in higher doses).


During a dieting or a cutting cycle, a non aromatizing androgen like for example Halotestin or trenbolone can be added to the recipe. It is believed that the stronger androgenic component here should really help to bring about an added density and hardness to the muscles. But on the other hand, an individual can also add another mild anabolic steroid to the stack, a steroid like for example stanozolol.


By doing so, the result of such a combo is going to offer, once again, a really noticeable increase in the muscle mass and hardness, that still should not be accompanied by some really bad side effects, especially by taking both mild steroids in moderate doses.


Plus to all of that, Methenolone Enanthate is a steroid that is successfully being used during the bulking phases of training too. In such a situation, the addition of the testosterone or boldenone should be just perfect to provide a really effective result for adding new muscle mass and that’s in the time that the user should not present any noticeable hepatotoxicity to the user’s liver.


Methenolone Enanthate is a steroid that must be understand before being used, however, as soon as you would understand it and its effectiveness, you are going to be happy with its results.



Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) Administration (For Women)

The prescribing guidelines for Methenolone Enanthate steroid is not having some different dosing recommendations for women as it remains in pretty much the same range for men, however it is being noticed that women who are pregnant, or may become pregnant, should not use this steroid as it may harm the unborn fetus.

However, when it comes to physique and performance enhancing reasons for women, the female athletes are generally responding very well to a dosage of anywhere between 50 to 100 mg per week. In case both the oral and injectable versions are available to a user, the oral is most often being given the preference for women and that’s because it is allowing for a greater control over blood hormone levels and plus to that, generally, the oral (methenolone acetate) ester is having a faster release.


In case the first virilization symptoms occur, the female user should discontinue the use with the product immediately and there’s a very high chance that the symptoms will fade away. By ignoring the effects and continuing to take the drug, there’s a chance that the symptoms will become irreversible and permanent.


The oral form is generally having a faster ester and so it will allow the compound to the flushed out of the body faster so it will diminish the risks. Generally, the virilizing side effects include: a deepening of the voice, clitoral enlargement, facial hair growth, menstrual irregularities and others.


Also, there are some women who choose to include Stanozolol (25 mg 2 times per week = 50 mg weekly) or Oxandrolone (7.5 mg to 10 mg every day) to the stack and by doing it is going to greatly increase the anabolic effect. However, keep in mind that androgenic activity can be quite a good concern with such a dosing and that’s why it must be monitored closely and often.


In case the user is stacking, it is going to be the best to use a much lower starting dose for each of the compound than if they were to be used alone. This is an extremely good recommendation to follow especially if you’re not being familiar with the effect that such a combination might have on you. A popular recommendation also would be to first experiment by stacking with the oral Methenolone Enanthate, a later venture into the injectable in case this is still going to be necessary.

ZPHC Primobolan E100

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  • Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) Side Effects (Estrogenic)

    Methenolone Enanthate is an anabolic steroid that is not being aromatized by the body and for this reason this compound is not measurably estrogenic. The side effects that are estrogen related should not be seen when you are administering this anabolic steroid and that’s because – since the steroid is not aromatized by the body, the estrogen levels shouldn’t rise. When you keep the same level of estrogen, no side effects should be seen.

    The sensitive individuals should not be worried about getting gynecomastia nor shouldn’t they get any noticeable water retention side effect while administering this compound. It has been noticed that the increase seen with Methenolone Enanthate should be quality muscle mass and not the smooth bulk that is very often being accompanied by steroids those that are open to aromatization.


    During a cycle, the user should also not notice strong elevations in the blood pressure and that’s mainly due to the fact that this is an effect that is generally being related to the high estrogen and water retention. When you don’t get none of the, the elevated blood pressure, generally, doesn’t become a problem.


    This anabolic steroid is most favored during the cutting phases of training, during those periods when water and fat retention are the biggest concerns and when the sheer mass is not the main objective of the user.



    Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) Side Effects (Androgenic)

    Even though this steroid is being classified as an anabolic steroid, the androgenic side effects are still possible when using this substance.

    Generally, the androgenic side effects are rarely a problem when administering Methenolone Enanthate or any other methenolone compound. However, in some sensitive individuals (and most often in sensitive individuals with high doses used) the androgenic side effects are still possible. Most often, the side effects are including: acne, bouts of oily skin as well as body and/ or facial hair growth. If you’re a person who is predisposed to male pattern hair loss then the anabolic/ androgenic steroids are going to aggravate it, Methenolone Enanthate is among such steroids as well.


    Although the steroid is considered to be a lot much safer for women compared to other steroids out there, women are still warned that they might potentially get virilizing side effects of the anabolic/ androgenic steroids including Methenolone Enanthate.


    Usually, the virilizing side effects include: a deepening of the voice, changes in the skin texture, menstrual irregularities, clitoral enlargement as well as facial hair growth. Nonetheless, this anabolic steroid is still considered to be a very mild steroid so the androgenic side effects are usually appearing only when using higher doses. By sticking with normal/ usual doses of Methenolone Enanthate, getting androgenic side effects is very rare.


    That’s especially because even women find this steroid to be a pretty tolerable substance, they notice that this steroid is pretty comfortable and a pretty effective anabolic, especially by comparing it to other steroids out there which are not recommended at all for women’s use beforehand.



    Methenolone Enanthate (Primbolan) Side Effects (Hepatotoxic)

    Methenolone Enanthate is a steroid that is not considered hepatotoxic, this is the reason why liver toxicity is very unlikely to occur. The steroid itself is not dangerous to liver, just remember that by using it alongside other compounds that might damage you liver, Methenolone Enanthate won’t diminish the damage.

    At least, this product itself is not worrisome. The studies have failed to observe any noticeable changes in the markers of hepatic stress when this steroid has been given in the therapeutic levels.



    Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) Side Effects (Cardiovascular)

    The androgenic/ anabolic steroids are known that they can have some really bad negative effects on the serum cholesterol levels. Most often, this is including the tendency of the steroids to reduce the HDL (good) cholesterol numbers in the time of increasing the LDL (bad) cholesterol numbers.

    This very often may lead to switch the HDL to LDL balance in a really bad direction, in a way where the risk of arteriosclerosis is getting higher and higher. The relative impact of an anabolic/ androgenic steroid on the serum lipids is very highly dependent on a few different factors such as: on the dose that is being administered, on the route of administration (either is oral or injectable, oral as a matter of fact are much worse), on the type of steroid (either is aromatizable or non aromatizable) and also on the level of the resistance to hepatic metabolism.


    By talking about Methenolone Enanthate specifically, it has been noticed by the studies done that this steroid should have a stronger negative effect on the hepatic management of the cholesterol than testosterone or nandrolone because of its non aromatizable nature, but in the same time is having a much weaker impact than the c-17 alpha alkylated steroids. That’s why, while we can’t say that it is the safest steroid for the cholesterol, is not the worst either.


    Remember that the anabolic/ androgenic steroids may also adversely affect the blood pressure and the triglycerides levels, they can reduce endothelial relaxation, they might support the left ventricular hypertrophy and all of this can highly increase the risk of getting cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction.

    In order to help to reduce the cardiovascular strain is being strongly recommended to maintain an active cardiovascular exercise program. Generally, the users are strongly recommended to have a healthy and cholesterol friendly lifestyle in general.


    Except for the active cardiovascular exercise program, users are recommended to have a healthy and cholesterol friendly diet where fish oils (omega acids – at least 4 grams per day) should be added and in the same time to minimize or preferably to completely exclude the intake of saturated fats, of cholesterol as well as simple carbohydrates. It is recommended to exclude the unwanted products during all the times while you are administering with the steroid.


    By keeping a healthy and cholesterol friendly lifestyle including both the diet and the active cardiovascular exercise program, you are going to ensure to diminish the risk of getting cardiovascular issues or cholesterol issues. In addition, it is recommended to use a natural cholesterol/ antioxidant formula like for example Lipid Stabil or something similar to it.

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