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ZPHC Labs (160iu/53mg kit)

**Purchase includes BAC-Water and 10 3ml Syringes for recconstitution, 50 Insulin Syringes for injection, and Swab Pads**

This HGH from ZPHC Labs includes Somatropin as an active ingredient. This substance is widely used for muscle gain cycles, recovery, strength, leaning and post injury therapy. This product is intended for subcutaneous injections. A pack contains 10 vials × 16 IU.

The use of HGH in bodybuilding provides a wide range of advantages, when you stick to the doctor’s recommendations on the daily dosage and cycle duration. But any violations may lead to serious health consequences. So, be sure to visit the specialist before you buy any Somatropin products.

Your doctor may also recommend using ZPtropin for the PCT.

ZPHC Labs (160iu/53mg kit)

  • HGH, or human growth hormone, is a natural anabolic hormone that controls numerous essential functions in the body. Many consider HGH to be the primary anabolic hormone made by the body. Some functions of HGH include overall growth and development. This includes muscle growth. Other functions include cell production and regeneration. In addition, HGH controls the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Also, many brands, such as Omnitrope, improve performance by improving recovery. The more recovered you are, the better you can perform. 

    Normally, the pituitary gland produces HGH in adequate quantities. But sometimes the pituitary does not produce enough. If this happens consistently, this results in growth deficiency. Not to mention, production of natural HGH decreases as we age. These two problems contribute to the signs and effects of aging. These include fat gain, loss of muscle mass, loss of strength, and skin problems.

    Somatropin is a recombinant human growth hormone. It will increase levels of HGH in the body. Scientists first discovered synthetic HGH in the early 1980s. It is extremely similar to natural growth hormone. This is accomplished by replicating its DNA structure. The exceptional quality of Omnitrope proves synthetic HGH is highly effective in normalizing levels of growth hormone in the body.


    History Of HGH  ZPHC Labs is a worldwide leader in various medicines and pharmaceuticals. SOmatropin was first approved by the FDA in 2006. The compound was approved in 2008. Since then, it has become one of the most popular brands of HGH. It’s popular with bodybuilders and athletes. Also, it’s popular for anyone looking for anti-aging effects.

    The Benefits Of ZPHC Labs (Somatropin)

    Bodybuilders and athletes commonly use ZPHC Somatropin. Its benefits include:

    • Lean Muscle Growth – ZPHC Somatropin stimulates quality lean muscle growth. It also improves performance by enhancing recovery. 
    • Fat Loss – This brand of HGH targets belly fat as well as overall body fat.
    • Anti Aging – ZPHC Somatropin combats the appearance of aging. It also improves the health of your skin. 


    How To Take Somatropin

    To ensure the best experience possible, follow these tips:

      • Inject Twice Daily (1.5-2.5 iu per day) – Consistently, twice per day use is the best way to take Somatropin. You should take two days off during the week. That’s why a protocol such as the 5 days on / 2 days off is a good idea.
    • Take It Once In The Morning, Then Again Post-Workout – On off days, take it at the same time of day. If you’re using it for anti-aging, take it in the morning and again in the early afternoon. 
    • Follow A  3-6 Month Cycle – A typical cycle of Somatropin should last 3-6 months. Follow this with an off cycle of equal length.

    If your goal is dramatic lean muscle growth, fat loss, or simply to look and feel younger, it’s time for a cycle of Human Growth Hormone.

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