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Thyroid Liothyronine 25mcg/tab (50tabs)

What is Thyroid Liothyronine T3?

T3 25mg Liothyronine is a special tablet supplement that is used to burn excess fat. Generally, Thyroid is a hormone that is independently produced by the thyroid gland. Therefore, such a substance is actively used to treat diseases associated with the improper functioning of the thyroid gland. The main component, Thyroid Liothyronine (T3) has a synthetic hormone that is identical to the natural Thyroid.

This product is manufactured by Magnus Pharmaceuticals, which is valued by athletes from various disciplines. One pack of T3 Liothyronine contains 50 tablets of 25 mcg each. Due to the fact that its cost is relatively low, the medication is one of the most affordable in the market of sports pharmacology.


How does Magnus Thyroid Liothyronine 25mg work?

As you may have realized, the main pharmacological action of this drug is built around the hormone from the thyroid gland, which plays an important role in metabolism.


T3 25mg significantly replenishes the deficiency of thyroid hormones, promotes tissue growth, and enhances energy processes in the body. Moreover, the active substance helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system of the body. When using small doses of the drug, anabolic processes are activated, and with large doses - catabolic processes. This causes a positive or negative nitrogen balance.


Benefits of Thyroid Liothyronine T3

Many people may wonder how synthetic thyroid hormone has a connection to bodybuilders. To understand this question it is necessary to simply look at the benefits that Liothyronine (T3) provides. Here's what can be included here:

  • Accelerating metabolism. Improper metabolic function negatively affects the accumulation of fat in the body. Liothyronine (T3) improves metabolism and also helps to burn fat cells.
  • Enhancement of endurance. The extra energy makes the muscles stronger and more enduring. This allows athletes to train more intensely.
  • Increase in muscle mass density. Numerous reviews prove that synthetic Thyroid helps to make muscles harder.
  • Elimination of drowsiness. Thyroid problems are often accompanied by weakness and a constant desire to sleep. The active ingredient helps to get more energy.


Thyroid Magnus is used by both women and men for athletic purposes due to such positive effects. They also like the fact that T3 25mg is available in tablet form.


How to Take Thyroid Liothyronine 25 to Improve Endurance?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, you should always consult your sports doctor before taking the course. Also, take into account the general recommendations:

  • The recommended dosage for men ranges from 25 to 100 mcg per day.
  • Women can also take the drug, limiting the dosage to 75 mcg.
  • The course of taking the drug is about 4-8 weeks.
  • The dosages should be gradually reduced two weeks before the end of the course so that the body gets used to the withdrawal of Thyroid hormone.
  • Bodybuilders often combine Liothyronine with steroid injections to enhance the anabolic effect. Popular options include Clenbuterol, human growth hormone, and other drugs.


  • T3 Liothyronine should be taken strictly according to the scheme and dosage prescribed by a medical expert.
  • Do not abuse the duration of the course in any case. There are also situations when the Thyroid course is contraindicated. These include heart problems, allergies, and adrenal insufficiency.


Thyroid Liothyronine 25 (T3): Potential Harmful Side Effects

This drug has another important benefit - it is not a steroid. That is why users should not be afraid of progestogenic and androgenic side effects. However, some negative effects may occur due to dosage violations, including:

  • Allergic symptoms.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Nervousness.
  • Tremor.


During the course, it is important to monitor your pulse and blood pressure. Statistics show that side effects are rare and usually disappear quickly. At the first occurrence of Thyroid Liothyronine T3 side effects, we recommend to visit a doctor for expert advice.

Thyroid Liothyronine 25mcg/tab (50tabs)

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